Tuesday, May 29, 2007

1st day of summer job

okay...am still tryin to figure out this bloggin webpage, so give me some time.
i am totally fagged out right now, but if i take a nap, then i will wake up at later and wont be able to sleep, and eventually go late to work

....woke up 7:10 am, totally love my alarm clock, dragged myself 2 work at 8:10am, mind you i wasnt technically late ,my boss already knows about african time, i explained to him that i need 15minutes leeway before i start work,becos am always late...haha
..thank God , so much for the person that created star bucks coffee, i believe he /she should be given a noble prize. i had to train pips today, i was so groggy... 2 cups of coffee, and a half hour later, i was back on point...am proud of myself

am boogieing to tongolo right now, am working my flat ass...haha. heard i shouldn't listen to naija music 2much, becos i would be creatin a mini naija in my room, and defeating the purpose of my assimilation into the American culture..who gives a crap, am addicted to this site http://www.krazienaija.com/ it satifies my craving for naijamusic.

so obviously nothing happened 2day, just typical work..saw a cute guy , very sexy dark chocolate and all, but he is another department, so we hardly talked,i just stole glances at him....hmnnnnn he looks so good, i did not even attempt to flirt with him! ..am still on lock down, clinck! clinck!...lol
am trying to think of a way to end my blogg..like a signature line, anyway am still working on that.

1 comment:

Yankeenaijababe said...

looks like someone is crushing bla bla.lol